What do Las Vegas special events spaces have that others don’t? Here’s why you should host your next event or trade show in Vegas!
minus5 Ice Experience is a great venue for memorable private events in Vegas! See why you should have your event in our coolest of settings!
Outlet Topic Circulation Date Link MOREKVVU-TV(FOX) Game of Thrones Ice Throne 11,948 6/28/16 Link FOX Chasing News Summer on Ice / Beat The Heat 81,040 6/20/16 Link WTXF-PHI Minus5 IceBar Midtown Hilton 18,831 6/18/16 Link WNYW-NY Minus5 IceBar Midtown Hilton 26,505 6/17/16 Link Urban Daddy Minus5 Ice Bar at Mandalay Bay 233,691 6/9/16 Link CNN Facebook Minus5…